Recent content by goupinya

  1. goupinya

    Comment by 'goupinya' in media 'Mazda Deluxe'

    Re: Mazda Deluxe Twelve years later and this picture is still here.......19.5 thousand people have seen this setup on here. No the 6x9's are not laying on the back seat, there is no backseat. Look close they are laying on top of the upside down camaro box...LMFAO Notice the blue dots in the...
  2. goupinya

    Comment by 'goupinya' in media 'Mazda Deluxe'

    Re: Mazda Deluxe HAAAAAA Say what you want--but this "unbelievable" install is in the top 15 viewed setups, and has been for was truly a crowd drawing work of "art",...or something. It served its purpose well.......LOL :laugh::laugh::laugh:
  3. goupinya

    Fixing amps?!

    Anybody have a used version of this tutorial, they are looking to get rid of?
  4. goupinya

    Kicker phone #?

    Just tell them you bought it from a pawn shop, or a friend, or who ever you want. They will still fix it for something like fifty bucks plus parts, and parts are cheap 2.10 - 5.57 or something like that. That was on a KX800 that was purchased on E-bay. The first time it had the same problem as...
  5. goupinya

    can a amp capacitor fu{k up?

    BIG cap
  6. goupinya

    can a amp capacitor fu{k up?

    Sorry- didn't mean 2 go over your head there CATALOG # 14F1562 = a number in a catalog used in reference to item 7000 VDC =seven thousand volts direct current 230 MF =The farad (symbolized F) is the standard unit of capacitance in the International System of Units (SI). Reduced to base SI...
  7. goupinya

    can a amp capacitor fu{k up?

    CATALOG # 14F1562 7000 VDC 230 MF ...Measures 25.5 " high X 13.5" wide X 5.5" deep. Weighs in at 100 pounds about $200 shipping is rough though Extra alternators optional.
  8. goupinya

    New Orion-- Old Orion

    Hows the new model Orion amps- namely the 800 watt 2 channel- compare to the older Extreme 800 model? I can get a new- new model for 75 dollars more than a refurb. Extreme model. Just trying to decide which route 2 go. I have heard alot of good about the Extreme. Just wondering if someone has...
  9. goupinya

    Amp Recommendation please!

    It would be 400 X 1. You could look for a two channel amp- which will more than likely be rated somewhere around 200 X 2 -then bridge it- which will give you 400 X 1- for use with your single sub. Keep in mind though- some of the makers of cheaper amps have a tendency to inflate the ratings...
  10. goupinya

    Amp Recommendation please!

    I do have one of these subs- actualy I have four of them. I have two Kicker KX800.4 pushing them. They sound real good. I did have one die on me yesterday though. Not sure what happened, just no sound all of a sudden. I realize since you are only looking to drive one of them you would not want...
  11. goupinya

    Orion 2500D is it any good?

    Anyone know where I might send an extreme 800 for repair? I asked my local Orion dealer, he said that since this amp was made before the Directed buyout, they might not be able to send it in for repair. He is going to contact them today and let me know tonight. If they won't fix it where can I...
  12. Mazda Deluxe

    Mazda Deluxe
